There should be a 12 step program for these things-->
I'm convinced as of this morning that Quiche means 'crack' in some foreign language I don't comprehend (and no I don't mean French. je parle francaise, merci) (moving on before H interrupts with what I sound like when I speak it....
Anyway I am convinced quiche means crack and it should come with a warning label. Normally I'm a healthy eater, not healthy like huge appetite, not the euphemysm as in "well nourished" (aka fat)...just I mean I normally would eat one piece of toast or at most like a egg mcmuffin. Then come these chariots of crack quiche. I have turned into the cookie monster with them. Thankfully the box is almost gone and I will avoid them for another decade (I hope). Maybe I should take a sharpie to the store and write the warning labels on there myself.
Because I didn't mention what's worse. These things for me are like a trojan horse of doom. My gallbladder hates them and in an hour it will be attacking me for even thinking of these things.
So, I tell you: My name is &&&&& and I'm a quiche addict.
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