
Life, the soundtrack

I've been thinking. No that isn't the news-worthy item to warrant this post.

I'm probably not the first to think this either. But as I got up the other morning to make coffee, the boys were watching Deep Space Nine on Netflix, it was the opening sequence with the song. Hmm, let me find a link for that so you'll get the full picture...

so as I walked into (more like dragged myself into...) the kitchen to make coffee I hear the theme song and suddenly making coffee is an adventure. Its important, like the mundane things people do in the opening sequence, it might be a small part of something bigger, something MORE.

And so what I think is that we all need a soundtrack. Now I'm not sure how we'd go about having one playing all the time and who is in charge of making the soundtrack might be a serious downside. I mean it would be a bit creepy to suddenly hear this:

So maybe I don't want to take my chances. I'd rather not have that creepy feeling that something is about to happen and, well, wouldn't most people be tempted to play that for someone else? LOL Seriously? If you were the soundtrack master of someone's life that you didn't know wouldn't you occasionally want to mix it up?

I'd like to say I'd be above that, but I'm sitting here and the neighbor has taken in his trash can, but if I were here watching and was really bored, well I might play that to watch him glance around...I admit it, I might...

So maybe we don't need soundtracks, but this blog does since I have a backlog of completely strange and weird/cool music to share. I'll be working on that, but no auto play of music. Because we all know that sucks.

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