But now that you did and its pouring down rain, I find myself having an ethical dilemna.
So here is how today is going so far (well since the last time I spewed stuff on this page). Ok, I know its not ALL that has happened, but its all that I'm going to tell you about because the rest really isn't any of your business.
I took a shower (no that isn't the unusual part) and get out and the dog wants in. Well of course he does, its pouring down rain now. So I start to open the backdoor and notice he has a stuffed toy in his mouth.
Hmm, to appreciate this scene you need some backstory.
My dog --

No, that picture isn't REALLY my dog. But it looks just like him and it might be if I could get him to stand still and he didn't have blood all over his paws right now and a dead rabbit in his mouth, but I digress.
My dog is 3 years old almost exactly. He's a bullmastiff in case you can't tell and he weighs a bit more than this example, about 110 lbs. Until recently he was a master whiner if he could lay on the couch all day. Ok that isn't quite accurate he still whines, if I could record it and share it with you, you'd be suitably impressed. I promise.
Anyway, as I previously mentioned he's the CHICKEN KILLER! No wait, that isn't really right, I just let my emotions run away with me POOR FUZZY FOOTED CHICKEN Ok, give me a moment to collect myself....Actually I love my dog. I used to carry him through the fields on walks because he'd whine and be too tired to go on (did I say he was a master whiner, I wasn't joking). Anyway, so he killed the chicken. And not to paint him in a bad light, but the very day after, he accidentally took out my 18 year old cat. This I am sure wasn't his fault, she had a seizure and he was "helping" but anyway back to today and my shower.
I open the backdoor to find this:

What I think is one of his stuffed toys that sometimes get left outside in the yard, is actually an adult rabbit. Thankfully this picture isn't too gory or clear. I know, normally a clear shot would be nice, but in this case I'm saving you from EWWW
So here is the thing. I'm torn. Its raining hard. I want to let my dog in. He wants to bring in his "dinner" Umm, not. I do not want the poor rabbit to be all nasty on the deck, but its raining and I don't want to touch the carcass either nor bury him properly in the pouring down rain.
I'm torn. Poor rabbit deserves a decent burial BUT maybe that is a waste. Maybe letting the dog eat her and the whole Circle of Life thing is the way it should go.
I really don't know, but that thing is NOT coming in the house.
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