Ok so clearly I care enough about 11:11 to name this blog after it. Today seems the day to explain that a little.
11:11 sounds stupid right? I know, if someone had told me about 11:11 7 years ago I'd go yeah yeah, that is just our brain noticeing things that form patterns. It doesn't really mean anything...
Well until it happens to you that is.
so in 2005 I was sitting at my computer much like I am right now, though it was a different house in a different state, but nevermind that part. I have no idea what I was typing or surfing. It was a warm spring day. I had the window open and the townhouse didn't have screens. I'm not fussy about that sort of thing and the fresh air was really nice.
So there I am typing away with a nice breeze, sunshine, free time and bam.
A bird flew in the window circled my head and flew back out without making a mistake or anything. I was like "holy crap that was weird" and I look at the time and its 11:11 am.
I don't notice the time then. Of course I don't, but over the next few days I noticed it more, more and more. It meant nothing to me but it was happening over and over. Now I know the above stuff, I have a graduate degree in a science though I won't say what field...I KNOW all about why I must have been noticeing this. So I started sort of keeping track informally. I supposed I could have gotten all professional on it but it was just something I thought would pass.
It didn't.
At some point I told H (remember, H? not H1N1, the generally good guy I'm married to?) who is essentially rolling his eyes "yeah yeah" at me. Sort of the way you are probably doing. Well maybe not YOU, the one this has also happened to, or You the new age devotee, but you in general are laughing at me about like H was.
So 11:11 shows up almost every day to me. Yes I know it happens twice a day, but really I don't wear a watch, its not like I'm a compulsive clock checker. But I rarely miss 11:11
It starts freaking me out a little. So here is what the internet says about 11:11. I'm paraphrasing and I'm too lazy to go google it right now even though I would say I'm a google master for most things, I am also lazy and you should google it yourself if you care. Anyway, its some sort of gateway to a higher truth. I know right now its a big deal. In 2005 though there were very few 1111 references.
So 11:11 is still happening to me. Oh it might just be random neuronal firing in my brain that I notice it at this point, but now its just a thing. Sort of like if you have a dog that drinks out of the toilet or a cat that gets pushed around in your office chair.
To be clear, I do not think 1111 is going to change the world. But sometimes if you let yourself not worry over things that don't make sense and just keep an open mind, it can change YOUR world. I think everyone gets so uptight sometimes that they forget to be themselves. We all rush around doing all sorts of things and forget who we are. I think traditionally, 1111 is a chance to think what is really the trth of me and how does that relate to the rest of the world.
oh yes, H believes me now, in case you were wondering. At some point last year or maybe it was the year before, he noticed that yes, I would pull out my phone and check the time and it would read 11:11 exactly. "ok, I believe you now..."
That rarely happens you know. There is a story about a pin oak, but I'll save that one for another day.
Enjoy your 11:11 on 11/11/11.
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